15 December 2006

Globalization for Dummies

In the course of our work, Globophobe attends more than one conference a month. This year, we have been to meetings in Beijing, Cape Town, Davos, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Mumbai, New Delhi, New York, San Francisco, São Paulo, Sharm El Sheikh, Singapore, Tällberg, Tokyo, and Washington. While themes have varied, most of the events we attend deal with the pressures of globalization and related issues. For those desk-bound policy wonks out there - both globophobe and globophile - here's a summary of all those many hours of "interactive discussions", plenary sessions and workshops, in other words, all you need to know about sustainable development without having to log the air miles or, more importantly, create an embarrassing carbon emissions trail:

- EDUCATION: At some time during any globalization conference, somebody will get up and say "It's all about education" or "Innovation has got to be at the top of our agenda". Well, let me say this: It's all about education and innovation has got to be at the top of our agenda.

- INFRASTRUCTURE: The state of it is always poor and there's always a deficit or an appalling lack of it. We need to invest more in building bridges, ports, airports, railways and roads. And don't forget the "social infrastructure" - the schools (see above), the hospitals, and the access to them. Worried about all the planes, trains and automobiles that will be using these spanking new facilities? See below.

- FINANCING: We need to improve access to capital particularly for the private sector (Damn those capital-hogging state-owned enterprises!) and the small and medium-sized enterprises.

- GOOD GOVERNANCE: This is crucial in our governments, our companies, our civil society organizations. It's all about transparency and accountability. Good governance is like motherhood and apple pie in the sky.

- ENVIRONMENT: We have to adopt socially responsible environmental practices. While we have to ensure the world's energy security, we also must protect the environment. Globophobe is doing its part. To make amends for flying all over the globe to attend conferences, we are offering this mother-of-all-summaries to save you the time and save us from global warming.

- LEADERSHIP: This is the one thing that is needed above all else. Without leadership, none of the above can happen. We need leadership today more than ever. In a world of platitudes, what we require is action. This is no time for milk-toast management. It doesn't matter what your policies are so long as they are implemented with conviction, clarity and a good spin.

So now that you know all that you need to know about solving the world's development problems, get out there and be sustainable. Lead!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Globophobe...it doesn't matter what your policies are? Really! That one nitpicky comment aside, I like your blog. dbwannabe

Saturday, December 16, 2006 7:54:00 PM  

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